Source code for zircon.reporters.base



from zircon.transformers.common import Pickler
from zircon.publishers.zeromq import ZMQPublisher

[docs]class Reporter(): """ A Reporter continuously reads data from a Transceiver, feeds it through a row of Transformers, and broadcasts the result using a Publisher. When creating a Reporter, you supply instances of a Transceiver, one or more Transformers, and a Publisher. If not specified, a pickling Transformer and the default Publisher are used. **Usage**:: reporter = Reporter( transceiver=MyTransceiver(), transformers=[MyDecoder(), MyCompressor(), ...], publisher=MyPublisher() ) A Reporter can be run as its own process:: Or stepped through by an external engine:: while not done: reporter.step() """ def __init__(self, transceiver, transformers=None, publisher=None): self.transceiver = transceiver if transformers: self.transformers = transformers else: self.transformers = [Pickler()] if publisher: self.publisher = publisher else: self.publisher = ZMQPublisher() for i in range(len(self.transformers) - 1): self.transformers[i].set_callback(self.transformers[i+1].push) self.transformers[-1].set_callback(self.publisher.send)
[docs] def open(self): """ Initialize the Transceiver and Publisher. """ success = if not success: return False success = if not success: return False return True
[docs] def step(self): """ Read data and feed it into the first Transformer. """ raw_data = if raw_data is not None: self.transformers[0].push(raw_data)
[docs] def run(self): """ Initialize components and start broadcasting. """ success = if not success: print('Failed to initialize!') return while True: self.step()